sset - Sorted Set for javascript

Yet another sorted set, but with the following feature set:

  • Uses binary-sort to insert and search and insert in set, so it is incredibly fast.
  • Can contain any kind of object
  • You can specify a custom comparator, if you have objects, strings etc (default uses number values)


yarn add sset
# or
npm install sset

v2 guide

The API has changed somewhat. Now you instantiate a SortedSet, TS or node - SortedSet extends an array, so Array.isArray() returns true, you can use it as an array, with the primary difference being that when inserting into it via .push() the array remains sorted and .indexOf() uses binary search to look up items.

import { SortedSet } from 'sset'

const set = new SortedSet<number>()
// or
const otherSet = SortedSet.fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4])


Fast lookups

However, your penalty is at insertion time. If you insert a lot of items at a time, those insertions will be slow (though they can be sped up):

Custom comparator

var set = SortedSet((a: User, b: User) => {
  return a.age - b.age

    { name: 'Alice', age: 34 },
    { name: 'Jenny', age: 27 },

// set now contains [{val: 3}, {val: 5}];


npm install sset

Todo - Pull requests welcome!

Obvious big things missing, namely:

  • this thing was conceived years ago, but now I think it would be better if the interface was more similar to the native Set
  • The SortedArray package (sarray) is basically the same thing, but an array instead of a set - they should probably just be the same package
